Course Outline


Understanding Databases and OrientDB: Basic Concepts and Philosophies

Installing and Running OrientDB

Getting Started with OrientDB

  • Using the OrientDB Studio
  • Using the OrientDB Console
  • Familiarization with Primary Structural Elements in OrientDB
  • Working with Graphs

Exploring Data Modelling Concepts

Creating and Managing Schema with OrientDB

Working with SQL on OrientDB

  • Overview of SQL API
  • Data Modelling Using SQL
  • Using Basic CRUD Operations in SQL with OrientDB
  • Learning Graph Functionality and Traversals with SQL
  • Implementing Transactions in OrientDB

Working with the Blueprints Graph API on OrientDB

Working with the HTTP/REST API on OrientDB

  • Using Server-Side Functions
  • Managing Users: Permissions and Authentication
  • Setting Up a Distributed Deployment of OrientDB
  • Using the ETL Module
  • Building the VehicleHistoryGraph Database
  • Using the Demonstration Database


Closing Remarks


  • General understanding of database concepts
  • Basic familiarity with SQL
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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